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Sunday, September 25, 2011


Today, the technology developed rapidly in all areas, such as in agriculture, industry, and the communications. People can use a device called the telephone. Thus, the people can communicate by phone with long distance without the need to spend a lot of cost. However many people still prefer to communicate directly without using the communications tools.  Why people still like to speak directly?

Doing communicate directly we can feel the closeness between the speaker. Thus, people are creating a good relationship with each other. They also can feel the power with the speaker. Eye contact happening. Eye contact is powers that cannot be felt if we communicate use a tool that has created by humans, although there is the communications tool that can show the picture using camera, but it was not enough for eliminating the desire among one another.

Therefore, touching and eye contacts are very influential in communication. So many people always make a planning to meet and talk a lot of things directly with their friends or their families.

Customs in The Pontianak City

“Kempunan” or be in a Quandary”

There are many kinds of cultures in Pontianak such as Kempunan. Kempunan is tried to touch food or beverage, if a person cannot eat or drink some food or beverage because he or she is hurry. It is believed in Pontianak especially Malay. They are believe that if they do not touch a little of food or beverage it can cause a mischance to them. I believe that Kempunan does not exist and there is no effect for us for several reasons.

First, there are opinions that say the trust be in a quandary just thinking of Malay and it is a hereditary belief. Malay communities were not getting answers to natural phenomena and they just connected to live or died a person with ‘Kempunan’. In fact, believe in Kempunan can cause people to Syirik. For example, a person does not touch the food then he or she will die. There are some people who said, 'if he or she eats the food firstly, and probably he or she would not die'. The responses like this means a syirik because they do not believe in God Qadak and Qadar. Thus, there is no term or concept of Kempunan' in Islam.

The second reason is about the level of concentration, in fact, if someone is offering to eat or drink but he is rejecting the offer because he was hurry or he was too late. However, the food or the beverage is very delicious. It can interfere with people's minds because he is always thinking about food or drink. No concentration will make mistakes and unlucky. However, it is not caused by Kempunan, but they are not concentrating on their work.

The last reason and the important is each person has destiny. Mischance or lucky has been arranged by God, it cannot influences through a little of food or beverage. People only accusing and connecting what happened before they got accident. Therefore, it is not influences Kempunan or not.

In the end, I believe that Kempunan is not causing mischance for a person, who does not touch a food or beverage that has offered by someone. If you are in hurry and cannot eat or drink something. You should not think of the food or the beverage. You will lose your concentration and it will cause a mischance in your work.

By: Dewi A

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

It's about constructivism

Constructivism, a learning theory informed by cognitive psychology, educational research, and neurological science, views learning as the product of experience and social discourse. Constructivists consider learning to be an individual and personal event. The following principles1 are based on the work of various constructivist theorists and are offered as a framework for this discussion. 

 Constructivism is a theory of learning, but it does not dictate how that theory should be translated into classroom practice. It is up to teachers and other educators to provide environments that support the ways students learn--learner-centered classrooms. Lessons that allow little opportunity for student response or discussion are not learner-centered; the focus is on the text or on the teacher. Such teacher-centered classrooms are often described as "traditional," although there are many time-honored instructional strategies that do not fit the teacher-centered model. To contrast the differences between a teacher-centered ("traditional") classroom and a learner-centered classroom, let's visit two seventh grade social studies classes studying U. S. geography.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

easy chord....

hi friend i have a good app for you that like to playing guitar
easy chord.....
this app can search a chord from all song by using winamp
if you instal easy chord it will be installed to your winamp automaticaly

you can download it here

by : mahend